Precariously Unsustainable20220505_27 - Joe McClure

Joe McClure

The Dawning of a New Era20220902_67The Dawning of a New Era20220902_67Seeing How Things Come Together20230408_66Seeing How Things Come Together20230408_66Theorize20230309_65Theorize20230309_65Precariously Unsustainable20220430_64Precariously Unsustainable20220430_64Transsection20220918_63Transsection20220918_63Get Under the Skin20220909_62Get Under the Skin20220909_62Barred Crossing20221211_61Barred Crossing20221211_61How Will the Situation Wash Out20230315_60How Will the Situation Wash Out20230315_60Haul up All Your Petty Desires20230315_59Haul up All Your Petty Desires20230315_59The Situation is Fluid20221125_58The Situation is Fluid20221125_58The King's Domain20221125_57The King's Domain20221125_57Proceeding to the Door 120230309_56Proceeding to the Door 120230309_56Proceeding to the Door 220230309_55Proceeding to the Door 220230309_55Proceeding to the Door 320230309_54Proceeding to the Door 320230309_54Immobile20230506_53Immobile20230506_53As Above, So Below20230408_52As Above, So Below20230408_52No Longer a Matter of Whether20230419_51No Longer a Matter of Whether20230419_51Directions at Britos20230429_50Directions at Britos20230429_50Precariously Unsustainable20220130_49Precariously Unsustainable20220130_49Here the Houses Move20230226_48Here the Houses Move20230226_48Abandoned Things20221106_47Abandoned Things20221106_47Replanted20221029_46Replanted20221029_46Considering the Significance20221106_45Considering the Significance20221106_45Removing the Makeup20230429_44Removing the Makeup20230429_44It's a Party on the Outside20230429_43It's a Party on the Outside20230429_43Not So Great Island Plaza20230408_42Not So Great Island Plaza20230408_42Cuffy's Marketplace20230310_41Cuffy's Marketplace20230310_41Somewhat Off Kilter20230226_40Somewhat Off Kilter20230226_40Somewhat Off Kilter20230226_39Somewhat Off Kilter20230226_39Somewhat Off Kilter20230226_38Somewhat Off Kilter20230226_38It Used to Be Here20220924_37It Used to Be Here20220924_37Lots 120230408_36Lots 120230408_36Lots 220230408_35Lots 220230408_35Slated for Demolition20230408_34Slated for Demolition20230408_34Slated for Demolition20230408_33Slated for Demolition20230408_33Impromptu Boat Storage20221218_32Impromptu Boat Storage20221218_32Posted20221023_31Posted20221023_31Get Lifted20230222_30Get Lifted20230222_30The First Step20230218_29The First Step20230218_29Keep It Wrapped20230222_28Keep It Wrapped20230222_28Precariously Unsustainable20220505_27Precariously Unsustainable20220505_27It Wears at the Edges20230423_26It Wears at the Edges20230423_26Longshore Sediment Transport20230422_25Longshore Sediment Transport20230422_25We Must Bend or We Will Surely Break20221010_24We Must Bend or We Will Surely Break20221010_24A Multitude of Not Dissimilar Objects20230422_23A Multitude of Not Dissimilar Objects20230422_23Solutions Have Their Own Problems20230301_22Solutions Have Their Own Problems20230301_22House on the Knoll20230106_21House on the Knoll20230106_21Wood in the Fireplace20220918_20Wood in the Fireplace20220918_20The Second Empire of Mythical Creatures20230422_19The Second Empire of Mythical Creatures20230422_19Hues of Rebellion20230506_18Hues of Rebellion20230506_18Private Red Door20230422_17Private Red Door20230422_17Precariously Unsustainable20220510_16Precariously Unsustainable20220510_16In a Perfect World20230322_15In a Perfect World20230322_1520230322_1420230322_1420230226_1320230226_1320230322_1220230322_1220220918_1120220918_1120220918_1020220918_10Clouding the Senses20221010_09Clouding the Senses20221010_09Great Island Plaza20230309_08Great Island Plaza20230309_08Cuffy's Marketplace20230310_07Cuffy's Marketplace20230310_07Re-energized20220512_06Re-energized20220512_0620230218_0520230218_05Slippage20230226_04Slippage20230226_0420230805_0320230805_03C-Scape Sunrise August 202320230805_02C-Scape Sunrise August 202320230805_0220230805_0120230805_01
The face of Cape Cod is changing just as it is across the country, perhaps even the world. New construction, however, is altering how things are developing. Mass production provided the raw building materials like wood, steel, and glass, but now whole panels and complete façades are constructed totally offsite and shipped in. The styles of many modern buildings are replicated around the region as new designs while only altering the configuration of the pieces.<br /><br />The intersection of Old Main Street and Rt. 28 in the Bass River section of South Yarmouth is a place that has seen constant change. The oncoming road once terminated at this very spot rather than continuing its path toward Hyannis. We’re not in control of the roads forward, but we will travel them. We can only hope that the people who reshape our environment have the vision to honor and enhance the aesthetic and the mythos of Cape Cod.
Precariously Unsustainable20220505_27 - Joe McClure
The face of Cape Cod is changing just as it is across the country, perhaps even the world. New construction, however, is altering how things are developing. Mass production provided the raw building materials like wood, steel, and glass, but now whole panels and complete façades are constructed totally offsite and shipped in. The styles of many modern buildings are replicated around the region as new designs while only altering the configuration of the pieces.<br /><br />The intersection of Old Main Street and Rt. 28 in the Bass River section of South Yarmouth is a place that has seen constant change. The oncoming road once terminated at this very spot rather than continuing its path toward Hyannis. We’re not in control of the roads forward, but we will travel them. We can only hope that the people who reshape our environment have the vision to honor and enhance the aesthetic and the mythos of Cape Cod.